【听歌学英文】Diamonds - Sam Smith
【听歌学英文】Diamonds - Sam Smith
Diamonds- Sam Smith
Diamonds, diamonds, diamonds, diamonds
Diamonds, diamonds, diamonds, diamonds
Diamonds, diamonds, diamonds, diamonds
Diamonds, diamonds, diamonds, diamonds
Have it all
Rip our memories off the wall
All the special things I bought
They mean nothing to me anymore
But to you
They were everything we were
They meant more than every word
Now I know just what you love me for
Take all the money you want from me
Hope you become what you want to me
Show me how little you care
How little you care, how little you care
You dream glitter and gold
My hеart's been already sold
Show you how little I care
How littlе I care, how little I care
My diamonds leave with you (Mhmm)
You're never gonna hear my heart break (Mhmm)
Never gonna move in dark ways (Mhmm)
Baby, you're so cruel
My diamonds leave with you (Mhmm)
Material love won't fool me (Mhmm)
When you're not here I can breathe (Mhmm)
Think I always knew
My diamonds leave with you
(Diamonds, diamonds, diamonds, diamonds)
Shake it off
Shake the fear of feeling lost
Always me that pays the cost
I should never trust so easily
You lied to me, lie-lied to me
Then left with my heart 'round your chest (Mhmm)
Take all the money you want from me
Hope you become what you want from me
Show me how little you care
How little you care, how little you care
You dream glitter and gold
My heart's been already sold
Show you how little I care
How little I care, how little I care
My diamonds leave with you (Mhmm)
You're never gonna hear my heart break (Mhmm)
Never gonna move in dark ways (Mhmm)
Baby, you're so cruel
My diamonds leave with you (Mhmm)
Material love won't fool me (Mhmm)
When you're not here I can breathe (Mhmm)
Think I always knew
My diamonds leave with you
(Diamonds, diamonds, diamonds, diamonds)
Woah-oh (Diamonds, diamonds, diamonds, diamonds)
Woah-oh (Diamonds, diamonds, diamonds, diamonds)
Always knew
My diamonds leave with you
(Diamonds, diamonds, diamonds, diamonds)
Woah-oh (Diamonds, diamonds, diamonds, diamonds)
Woah-oh (Diamonds, diamonds, diamonds, diamonds)
Always knew (Diamonds, diamonds, diamonds, diamonds)
You're never gonna hear my heart break (Mhmm)
Never gonna move in dark ways (Mhmm)
Baby, you're so cruel
My diamonds leave with you (Mhmm)
Material love won't fool me (Mhmm)
When you're not here I can breathe (Mhmm)
Think I always knew
My diamonds leave with you, oh-woah
You're never gonna hear my heart break (Mhmm)
Never gonna move in dark ways (Mhmm)
Baby, you're so cruel (So cruel)
My diamonds leave with you (Mhmm)
Material love won't fool me (Mhmm)
When you're not here I can breathe (Mhmm)
Think I always knew
My diamonds leave with you
(Diamonds, diamonds, diamonds, diamonds)
Woah-oh (Diamonds, diamonds, diamonds, diamonds)
Woah-oh (Diamonds, diamonds, diamonds, diamonds)
Always knew
My diamonds leave with you
(Diamonds, diamonds, diamonds, diamonds)
Woah-oh (Diamonds, diamonds, diamonds, diamonds)
Woah-oh (Diamonds, diamonds, diamonds, diamonds)
Always knew my diamonds leave with you
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